Most people looking for Celtic design tattoos are passionate about this kind of art. There is so much generic stuff floating around in cyber space. Celtic design tattoos originated in Ireland, Wales and Scotland. When Christians took over control, the tattoo cultures blended. A popular Celtic design tattoo is the Celtic cross. Many times you will see a Celtic knot around the middle of the cross where the two pieces cross.
Because Celtic design tattoos are very popular, you want to make sure you get a unique tattoo. Don't go into a tattoo parlor ready to get inked without a design in hand. Look through the books to get an idea of the type of work the artist has done not to pick out a tattoo design. Keep in mind that the tattoos in their books have already been inked on someone. Some of the best galleries have areas where you can upload pictures of your tattoo and people can comment on them. You can also join forums to talk about finding and creating designs.
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