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Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Candidate` Police Many Tattoos

"How many prospective police tatonya. lagian take-take the guitar again, "commented a number of citizens.
New residents are surprised when a police notify hundreds of civilian men, that is the usual make onar and crime in the area of Bandung West. "They wer
Hear the answer is, people are surprised they even told the police back to prison earlier menjebloskannya. "We think prospective police applicants. If the cells are civilian, pak! "Fate Wiwin Ny, 46, who witnessed the degree of operating results of the community.
Kapolresta Bandung West AKBP Baskoro mentioned, the operating slab Lodaya digelarnya yesterday successfully crawl the

They dicomot from the bus terminal Leuwipanjang, and Market Caringin Bandung. "This civilian kerjaanya mengamen, if the victim did not give m

Traditional ArtsTattoos Nearly Extinct
Tattoos are art. Before the art of tattoo (tattoo body painting) tribes in the Mentawai Islands (about 110 km West from the direction of the coastline of West Sumatra) extinct, should be efforts to examine and mendokumentasikannya. Soalnya, the Mentawai tattoo tradition is the only contemporary art that people use. "The existence of the tribe tattoo / Mentawai people with different tattoos now (modern), which is more urban sub-Cultures, such as young people used to self gengnya. Tattoos Mentawai extraordinary and unique, meet all the body from head to foot and laden with symbols and meaning, "said Adi Ros
Tattoo Art and History
Tatto Galery tai fly, Tattoos Gallery redden lips, Tatto Galery eyebrow Tattoos Gallery until the picture is painted canvas to move the entire body. In fact, the places now peminat tattoos not only on the normal or the people - people who want to fraudulent for effect. The artists are now using a lot of Tattoo Jakarta as accessories. Only a few artists such as Nafa Urbach, Riff, Jodi, Indro Warkop, and probably many more. Art tattoo Jakarta Art Gallery has some kind of flow: Natural, Oldskool, Tribal, New skool and biomechanik. Nuance of the tattoo art that places this increasingly diverse world semaraknya add galery tatto art tattoo fans and places in Jakart
To facilitate the process of tattoo gallery gained places and conditions in your health condition is stable and normal, just enough to eat and sleep free from the influence of alcohol and drugs. Tattoo galery art No More "Italic" Tattoo art is not a good place soon, is not it also strange. Now many people bertattoo But not men but women also have found many, then why they bertattoo? Wah seru kalo gak But why do you, soalnya certainly a lot of potential reasons why. Jakarta tattoo art gallery or a tattoo is now dijadiin body art painting, art have a value that is not visible from the streak images by in elegant body.
Okay next, Jakarta tattoo art seem closer to the element of criminal, kunaon Nyak? Clear tattoo gallery places is one way of millions of ways to ungkapkan self-expression and show the public the road looking for attention or fun time. Personal satisfaction is always the reason, simply cuek, fraudulent or simply does aja, gue often from the people who have mentattoo body. With all the reasons that will certainly be on all the satisfaction that comes from within, soalnya gak someone may be willing mentattoo (permanent) But if for fraudulent or nyoba-nyoba except that jackass? Untung or does not have any tattoo seseoarang back to the person, if he said that people bertattoo difficult to get a job, who says? But emang bener sih, lho but not one that I can work only one evidence that Tora Sudiro tattooan also tajir gitu. In addition, tattoo art gallery is also not a problem apparently so. Evidence if there is someone who does not yet bertattoo the people around right? Unless we bertattoo because he became ill - sickly, difficult
Remove a Tattoo
By Karmen Bella
Learn how to remove a tattoo may have several options. Elimination of a tattoo can be almost impossible, even if there are methods of removal are effective. Many people do not think about how to remove a tattoo, when they decide to get one. Tattoo or a trend that seems a good idea in younger years can be inconvenient or too visible in the wrong places for years in life.
Of course, a tattoo is something you should not be taken lightly when you want to get one, because they are supposed to be a permanent marking. However, as with age, skin begins to sag, a tattoo can turn into a distorted mess that nobody can read or understand. A tramp stamp on the grandmother does not look like it should, it is not attractive, assuming you can tell what it is.This is the way to remove a tattoo is very convenient. There are several methods that vary in cost and efficiency:
• Laser removal-This is where a laser sends pulses of light at a high concentration. It can be a painful procedure that normally involves several sessions, ranging from $ 200 - $ 500 each. Whereas it may take up to 20 sessions, in some cases, laser removal can exceed $ 10,000 and are not covered by insurance. It also causes scarring, blisters and scabs.
• Dermabrasion Salabrasion or-two of these methods involve sanding of the upper layers of the skin and both are very painful, obviously. Salabrasion uses a saltwater solution before abrasion of the skin. Dermabrasion uses a numbing solution, then sand layers off the skin. Both methods May not be as effective on some tattoos. They also cause scarring in the area where the procedure was done. These are several meetings to a dermatologist, this cost depends on the number of visits.
• Removal Creams-There are creams that are very effective and recognized by the Tattoo Removal Institute. Although the effectiveness varies according to the tattoos, the only real side effect is that you get in May bleaching effects on skin that is not tattooed. This method is a gradual approach, many people believe that the best way to know how to remove a tattoo, and one of the most affordable.
• TCA or trichloroacetic acid is a way to exfoliate the tattoo fades slowly using acid. It is similar to removing warts acids that remove layers of the skin and does not work at night, but disappears during a period of time. More affordable than surgery, it may be a good method of how to remove a tattoo.
• glycolic acid peel-It is used in many chemicals at home facial peels use alpha hydroxy acids. It will disappear over time, a tattoo, and another at home in order to remove a tattoo, with less cost than surgery.
• Does surgery by a doctor or a dermatologist, which can leave scars. An incision is made and stitched into place. This is primarily used for small and tattoos can be expensive. Because it is cosmetic surgery is often not covered by insurance.
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Monday, June 29, 2009
Body Art Tatto

Tattoos are art Tatto but for most people, tattoos rate is negative. But, the effect of this presumably more terkikis. Evidence, the latter are many young entrepreneurs, students, and even the mother-housewife who loves her body ditatto. Why? View at a glance from the outside, the building is located next to the swimming pool in the park Teen Surabaya Jalan Kusuma Bangsa that looks deserted. In front of the building have placard reads: Yanche salon. In the place of that, later visited the more people who want to metropolis ditatto body. And, tatto made it permanent in the salon. "We want to develop this as a tatto art, such as body painting. If it be possible for sangar first-sangaran, that seem
Added, already five years old he is working with the Kent to open a salon specifically to handle tatto. "A year later, who come here more and more. It is 1000 pictures that we make. Most who come are students, young entrepreneurs and young mothers," he said. "We really only want to serve those above age 18 years," he said, flushed.
Jawa Pos in the salon, the chance to meet with the Ny Hartuti, one of three young mothers who are ditatto. Ny Hartuti requested ditatto in the right ankle with the ball three images (such as a series of three-ball). Mother of three c
Tattoos That Part One Expression
Most people see the negative about the tattoo but the tattoo artist, Sapto Raharjo aka Athonk (29), tattoo art is part of the expression of someone. Because the tattoo is personal. Tattoo processing must also be carefully and professionally to look beautiful and taste bercita art. "Tattoos that are home-derived ultimately bring stigma for gang tattoos," he explained to Bernas, Friday (17/11) in between the Gampingan Tatto Expo Campus in the former Faculty of Visual Arts ISI Yogyakarta on 15 to 21 November.
According Athonk, tattoos, and have in fact already developed since first epoch and is traditionally done anywhere. "Just in the development of modern, people bertato often seen out of the norm. Ditato the reason someone is very personal and should have a strong foundation," said the man who opened Studio Tatt
The desire bertato, continued, must be started from a strong personal desire and ethics can not force someone to bertato, select people who are really professional in the field of tattoos, pictures and select the correct design. Tattoo appropriate processing procedures and post-tattoo skin perwatan needed to support health skin beauty tattoo art, "said jebolan Faculty of Visual Arts ISI Yogyakarta.
Men blond punk with the red-yellow light that this bertato himself because of the rise of the desire of parents menyuruhnya entry Akabri. "Time 2 class high school told my parents enter the military, because I want
Learning Business Through Tattoos
Tattoos are seni.munir love with the art of tattoo, to make young people find this a business opportunity. Without in-realized by Munir, owner of counter tattoo 'Toxic', design and image tatonya start the tune of artists, even bule-bule a vacation to Yogyakarta. Initially, Munir w
Munir tattoo fans because more and more, young people establish counter this tattoo around Surokarsan. With the capital savings of mentato for this. Diajaknya also some colleagues sekampus for the following business. "In its development, we have a friend out in a T-shirt shop Toxic. This even bring our ideas to make a T-shirt with the style of street fashion. In addition, not only permanent tattoo that we signed, but also tattoo temporari we serve, "said Munir. Not stop until there Munir cs business, in any event involving young people such as bazaars and performance of music, Toxic present there. In addition to stocking their memajang stand also open a small tattoo. From the results of the mentato, Munir so do not depend on the parents. All the needs of the course takes a lot of costs that it can meet. Also for day-to-day needs. Then, what about the Munir lecture? "Current-course smoothly. While we try to keep counter can even do the tasks of the campus. The main drinking water while diving. What we actually do this exercise alone. If you have started since early effort, the graduate course so we do not upset again in the middle of the community, "said Munir.apakah you want to try to open a business tattoo art?
Tattoos Not Just Identity Arts
Tattoos put people first as diangap or criminal mischief, but now Tattoos or body art painting has changed from the ritual needs to be mode. Now tattoos are not only to show the identity of art and taste their owners, but also has become part of the means to decorate or beautify the self itself. The more people who embellish the body with tattoos. Not only on the arms, but also other body parts, such as the mouth and stomach. According to anthropologist Prof. Dr. MA Kusnaka Adimihardja, tattoos have long grown in Indonesia. Indonesian culture as in the ethnic Dayak, Kalimantan, the culture of the skin with a needle puncture, which is part of the ritual. However, in the development, tattoos have become fashion.
Starting from the entrance to the mode of Western Australia, through television, film, and other information sources. "Formerly, in the era of my youth, color ink for the tattoo is only black or blue. Now more varied, with more sophisticated equipment. Menato body also does not sesakit first. This can cause a number of the many tattoo fans," said Kusnaka. According to him, tattoos do not show a specific character, but the fun and marvel at the art itself. Usually tattoo popularity among the young, especially the punk community. "The society is loosely or including an easy to accept the changes," he said. Note the needle
According to Sonny Sondari, enterprising doctors who give counseling on HIV / AIDS, for the needle is not sterile menato the media can become infected by HIV virus. Peluang virus infection that can lead to AIDS from the syringe and tattoos around 0.3 percent. "Therefore, people who want to be sure the body menato correct needle that will be sterile. Use a new needle or use. Or, use a needle that has been disterilisasi," said Sonny. Consumers, he said, have the right to ask needle sterility problem that will be used for the HIV virus can stick in the needle used HIV. Akan virus into the body of another person if the t
But every man is unique, the distance between the epidermis and blood vessel-between different individuals. And the tattoo parlor should be supervised by a particular institution, "said Sonny. Maraknya studios and tattoo artists in the street on one side raises concerns about aspects of higienitasnya. Wandy (25), tattoo artist (artist), stated at this time consumers have been very critical. Almost each potential customer who asks for a visit higienitas process of making tattoos. "In the studio, as here, injector needle, tube, and inkap (close) ink for the goods once. Despite remaini
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Cool Tattoo and Body in Women's SEXY

For some women who ditato body, they reasoned beautiful tattoo of a beautiful offer. The thought that the tattoo be a part in his life.
According to the news that dilansir Health24, Llieze Ellick, as experts reveal pierced, "There are various reasons why someone chose decorate her body with tattoos. I tattoo is private. Maybe there's a ditato they want to try new experiences in life. Tato is a form of self-expression that can make some people terpana. "
tattoo, almost similar to the art of Body painting, but usually only a Tattoo symbolic motifs, in the pour in lukiskan or organ in the body of us.
Many Pro and contra of the image bertatoo, most people assume that people have always bertatoo its image towards negatif.Bisa people in the bertatoo that Premanlah, berandalanlah, the main thing always leads to Negatif.Dan Image bertatoo is that most men, in addition to add Manly look so also Macho.
But this time in posting my motives Tattoo on a woman's body, the more keseksian dent body and the beauty of women
Tattoos With Beautiful Ala Fahrani
. Artists film star who once Radit this and Jani, Fahrani indeed be regarded women who dare to appear as a child geng. Can I? body model of this woman already has many tattoos around the body, about 20 tattoos on her body from the arm until the calf. For Fa, tattoos make her look beautiful and confident. In addition, the Fa, that's the call if it recognizes itself is afraid of the view tattoos in this body. Although many tattoos, model bid still in demand and the guy was not even menjauhinya thus interested in the Fa akan tatonya. Indeed, this girl is very fond of tattoo collection in the body. Perhaps also, can I tattoo girl looks so sexy kali yee? but it is objective sie? ehm, what according to you? section is a tattoo?
That Beautiful Face Is Now Filled Tattoos
Tattoos are part of the art. Stay aware when ditato. That is the message that should be taken when reading the cases that override the Kimberley Vlaminck, teenagers 18 years of origin Courtrai Belgium.
Case occurred the night a few days ago. Kimberley was home from a bar in the head due to drunken headache. Then drop it into a kiosk tattoos, Tattoo The Box, who managed Rouslan Toumaniantz, Romania immigrant origin.
To Rouslan, have made it three stars tattoo on the left cheek, after he agreed cost of Rp 90 ribu. When been colored, Kimberley terlelap. Know, he's too drunk to stay awake. Once completed and built, half-surprised the girl died because, not only stars that decorate the three-colored, but the 56 stars. He immediately protested.
Kimberley does not believe himself to be a face full of tattoos. "This is chilling for me. I can not leave home with a face like this, very embarrassed because I look very ugly," said Kimberley.
He was sure, the artists do not understand the desires of English and French is broken-broken. "But I speak very clearly using the French language and a little English when he looks a bit confused. I explain, I want three stars tattoo on the left temple," said Kimberley.
Rouslan clearly disprove and is sure to meet the desire of girls, that is drawing 56 stars left in the face. "When awake, she saw to the mirror. Such procedures. The problem is when the home, he be censured and the girlfriend's father," he said.
Rouslan confess anaesthetize feel accused or the menghipnotis girls. "That's just hogwash. He indeed I have 56 stars," said Rouslan.
Kimberley now want the tattoo-tattoo is through surgery and demanded Rouslan pay for the hospital to reach 8500 Pounds Sterling. Rouslan clearly reject. Rouslan refused because, he was reported to police.
Police lift the hand of any matter of that case because the case does not see it as a violation of criminal, but civil affairs. However, Rouslan now become more cautious and ask for a written statement from the client before merajah.
Tattoo Removals
Tattoo Removals Creams
By Andrew Barton
People have been tattooing for years, whether a small tattoo of a butterfly or a huge piece of solid color back. As we progress and stereotypes and misconceptions that go with tattoos are lost more people from all walks of life choose to tattoos. However, by increasing the population to make tattoos, we also see a steady increase in the number of people wanting to get rid of theirs.
Tattoo removal techniques have existed for years, more primitive than others. The increased demand for tattoo removal methods, are cost and ease of use has resulted in new and exciting products to be developed. The main product is that the constant development of new tattoo removal cream. These removal creams have become easily accessible to almost anyone, but for everyone who works and shows good results, there are 10 products that are completely useless.
Information on these products, including waves, companies and producers of these products seem to play their cards very close to their chest. Search for information on ingredients, details of how they work was a challenge not only for me but most people seeking to do research in this area.
We know that if you are going to see better results from these products if your tattoo is older and less expensive with the tattoo inks. It goes without saying that the smallest of your tattoo will be more easy to remove.
These creams are not instant solutions to remove your tattoo. Those we believe in the work to take every 3 months to 18 months to completely fade your tattoo. Tattoo removal by any of the creams work slowly stripping the top layer of the skin or the attempt to dissolve the ink in each layer of the skin. So, usually the deeper and more saturated that the ink in your skin longer and more difficult to remove.
There is good news with these products. Some are now working, even if they take time to show results. Over time the companies behind these products to find new ways to make them much more efficient and tattoo inks are being developed that are easier to remove. New products, even injecting the product into the skin to remove the ink. New methods are just around the corner. It will not be long until the tattoo removal creams are the best products on the market for tattoo removal.
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Friday, June 26, 2009
The Tattoo reads "Coca Cola"
If you are interested decorate your body with tattoos? If you want to have any posts kanji tattoo, you should make it so that the outlets Tattoo Vince Mattingley incident does not occur. Vince Mattingley lover is one of the tattoo with the Chinese any posts. He asks for a waitress in Chinese restaurant favorite tattoos to make his name in any posts on the Chinese chest.
However, without Vince, the waitress would write any posts "Coke" on the chest Vince. Without feeling suspicious, Vince boast tattoos for 26 years. He realized a new error when he is traveling to Thailand. The Bartender asks why he has any posts "Coke" on the chest. "I think he was only kidding. But when I ask to some people, tattoos are meant Coca Cola. Waitress was definitely very satisfied mempermalukan I can," he said as dilansir newspaper The Sun. However, Vince was not cured. He intends to make another tattoo to cover the tattoo "Coke" is. "I will make the Japanese kanji characters in this time," he said lagi.Selamat try!
The History Tatoos
Tattoos are bagaian of art, language Tattoos are from Tahiti "wounded" means a sign that it seems. Although the evidence is not the history of tattoos so much, but the experts decide that the tattoo art I have this since 12,000 years BC. Antiquity tattoos for rituals such tribes as the ancient Maori, Inca, Ainu, Polynesians, etc.. According to history, the people of Egypt so that higher growth in the tattoo world. Egypt, a nation known as a strong nation that is famous, so they are against the expansion because the other nations, tattoo art is also wide-spread follow-up, to areas such as Greek, Persian, and Arabic.
What is the reason for the tribes in the ancient world to create tattoos? The ancient Greek nation tattoos as identification of members of their intelligence, aka detective at the time of war. Here the tattoos indicate the rank of detective is. different from the Roman nation, they wear tattoos as a sign that someone is coming from the slave, and Tattoos dirajahi also to any body of tahanannya. Maori tribe in New Zealand make Tattoos shaped carvings on the spiral-carved face and buttocks. According to them, this is the mark of a good offspring. In the Solomon Islands, ditorehkan Tattoos in the face of women as ritus to mark a new stage in their lives. Almost the same as above, the Nuer tribe in the Sudan to mark Tattoos ritus initiation in boys. Indian people paint and sculpt the body of their skin to add beauty or show a certain social status.
Tattoos aka Wen Shen tattoo or start merambahi taon countries around China in 2000 BC. Wen Shen perhaps meaning "body acupuncture." note, the same as the Roman nation, the ancient Chinese tattoos to signify that someone had dipenjara. Meanwhile, in China itself, there is a tattoo culture in some ethnic minoritasnya, which has been inherited by their fathers, such as ethnic Drung, Dai, and Li, but only the women who come from ethnic Li and Drung having a habit mentato face. Historical customs Drung ethnic Tattoos appear around the end of this period Kedinastian Emperor Ming (about 350 years ago), when they are attacked by a group o
Initially, the materials to make Tattoos are from the shell charcoal, mixed with sugar cane water. Tools used are very traditional. Such as wood handles, needle and hammer from the trunk. Rural people still use manual techniques and traditional materials. Eskimo people, for example, using needles made from animal bones. In the Shaolin temples using a heated copper gentong to print pictures dragon tattoo on the skin tubih. Shaolin disciples who were deemed eligible to get a symbol that, by attaching a second arm them on the kind of printing images of the dragon on both sides of the copper heat gentong it. Far different from now. At this time, especially among the urban community, making Tattoos done with electric engine. This machine is found in the year 1891 in the UK. Then pewarnanya substance use synthetic ink (ink tattoo). Drape the body with tattoos to make us appear more attractive.
the great back tattoos with Yakuza Tattoo Designs
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Tattoo Removal Prices
With folk wishing to speak in a new way, tattoos are increasingly popular among all ages of the population. Each community has its own reasons for tattoos. Some people have added symbolic works of art of their bodies, while others remember names or dates applied. Most never think to get tattoos removed, but you may have divorced, or desire to get a tattoo that you have withdrawn more. Even with this amount of sessions, some people are still traces of the tattoo. This depends on the amount of times that a tattoo has been fortified over the years (more ink is added as naturally fade the tattoo), and depending on how many colors were used.
For cheaper tattoo removal, you can try in May that the home remedies do not work as fast, but it will be much cheaper and less painful than other strategies. You can get tattoo creams and chemical peels that work to remove the tattoo over time by the deconstruction of tissue and skin to accelerate expansion. This could take several weeks of continuous use, but prices are nominal and implications, it is much easier than you can do in your home. Tattoo removals are becoming more favorable as the people change their minds several times and often these people do tattoos on the fantasy, while at a party, overseas, or as a challenge. Having the capacity and security at less cost is essential to remove them.
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Tuesday, June 23, 2009
The Tattoo Art

Tattoos are bagaian of art, now dizaman many artists wear sexy body tattoo for garnish. Moreover, in the western world. When you walk in any mall, there are certainly some people who wear berseliweran tattoo. Not only the style of the young punk, but also adults who are usually strong and well-gemp
Shape and size of tattoo is very diverse. There is a large, there is a small. Can be in various places in the body., From the arms, legs, chest or neck up. There is als
In history, some of the ways to make the tattoo done. In North and South America, Indian tribes mentattoo way rasp their skin. Some California tribes in the United States, enter the coloring on the scratches are made in the skin. Some tribes in the Arctic, Subarctic, Eastern Siberia, entering through the color pigment injection needle. In Polynesia and Micronesia, pigment is inserted through the skin puncture to be in the form of plaster. Maori tribe in New Zaeland, bertattoo preserve the property that the tribe after they died, and stored as a family treasure. They can memperdagangkannya with weapons and iron tools. This then lead to trade wars and political problems. And therefore prohibited, and the head of the property bertattoo chieftain now only kept in museums in Europe.
It's a permanent tattoo / settled, and there is not.
Tattoo is not a permanent stamp in the form only, or described in the skin using a dye / henna that can be merged in the skin epidermis (the top layer of skin th
Tattoo is permanent, is made in a way to enter the ink in the skin. Ink entered with a small needle is held by the creator of the tattoo. Needle entered the skin is driven out of several hundred times per minute and penetrate the skin about 1 mm.
Once completed mentattoo process, ink will stay in the dermis layer of skin. This coating does not exfoliate and changed regularly, such as a layer above (epidermis), so that ink will settle there, and the tattoo will not be lost.